Links of interest

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A welcoming point of entry into perennialist thought. Although the site doesn’t deal with the topic of astrology, the information presented there offers an idea of what the art should be.

The webmaster has done a nice job of bringing to the public metaphysics through mundane realities and objects of daily usage. The home page directly steers visitors into an explanation of the nature of symbolism.

To have your birthchart cast.

More advanced tools for people who don’t own a software: progressions, solar arcs, solar return, astrocartography, ephemeris spanning a wide range of dates, etc.


A site that offers astronomical softwares you can downlad for free.

A tool to study visual astrology.


A beautiful software of stellar visibility most useful for visualizing the celestial mechanics. One can contemplate the night sky: planets evolving on the starry background with the great circles of the ecliptic, equator, horizon, meridian and Prime vertical as reference points. You will no longer confuse midheaven, zenith and nonagesimal.

The sky has its depth back of which it was bereft because of the unidimensional display of the sole zodiacal circle. Understand such realities as ecliptical latitude, declination of planets and stars as well as parallels in zodiaco and in mundo


An online calculator of various functions of interest for the study of astrology. Amongst others : “arabian” parts, firdarias, zodiacal releasing, parallels of declination, heliocentric chart, eclipse calendar, current epoch positions of fixed stars (in both tropical and sidereal zodiacs  which is handy to locate them in their frame of reference), etc. Useful for those who don’t have a software.

The C.U.R.A.

The centre universitaire de recherche astrologique offers in-depth articles on astrology as well as a database of ancient astrological treatises.

Of particular interest is the doctoral dissertation of its author presented in faculty of philosophy at the Sorbonne. A fine work which offers to understand the notion of correspondences.